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We want to know how are you managing and dealing with working from home during these difficult times.
How satisfied are you with your remote work conditions?
In comparison with the last week, do you feel more optimist or more pessimist about working from home?
What are your biggest challenges regarding remote working?
Choose up to 3 options
- General impact about COVID in my life
- Keeping an efficient and organized schedule
- Too many distractions in my house
- Internet connection
- Social distancing
- I'm sick or taking care of someone sick
- I don't have access to essential tools for doing my job
- Taking care of kids
- My physical space
- Communications with my co-workers
In comparison with your regular work from the office, would you consider remote work more or less efficient?
What could the company do to make your remote work more efficient and enjoyable?
remaining -
Thank you for your answers!
Your responses will help us understand better how we can support you and your remote working situation during this difficult times
Thank you for your time!
Your feedback is important to us