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What product did you buy?
Choose one or more products that you have tested from our brand.
- T-shirts
- Dresses
- Shirts
- Shoes
- Accessories
- Coat
- Shorts
- Jeans
How satisfied were you with the last purchase you made?
Indicate your agreement with the last purchase made.
How often do you buy our products?
Indicate how often you buy in our stores.
What celebrity do you relate to our brand?
Choose one or several celebrities with which you would relate the style of our clothes.
- Lali Espósito
- China Suarez
- Cande Tinelli
- Paula Chaves
What do you think we stand out as a brand?
Choose one or more options
Select one or more -
Which look best represents you?
Choose one or more of the following options
Do you know what you can buy on our website?
Leave us your mail for special benefits.
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Thank you for your time!
Your feedback is important to us